Timetable for Vikings

07.30 Muster at workshop (if parking cars, please tuck them away nicely)

08.00 Transport leaves the Workshop (Simon, Alex McNeil)

Ultima Thule and Norway set up in dock park and Stove

8.15 Muster at the museum (except for those setting up the Norway at the Stove and Ultima Thule at Dock Park)

Clarice:Take register and (emergency) list of mobile numbers for Reeves, give Reeves Museum desk contact numbers

Kate: Set up Galloway (by Fountain at Museum)

Billy : Set up Arena (next level down)

Stephen: Set up Danelaw (flag pole level)

Simon: Set up game

09.00 Reeves collect Game maps,

Town cards, trading cards, ships ready to welcome teams.

Marshals briefing


familiarise themselves with map and game rules.

09.30 Public will probably start arriving

Reeves meeting in Museum, Reeves will be given a pack with their area info and game cards. Please bring an authenty bag!

10.00 Game starts,

Reeves take teams to locations and set up in a safe and secure place. Identify risks and make sure that adults take responsiblity for minimising them! Say hello to the hosts/wet weather option eg. Stove, Museum staff. Mark any locations not settled (due to missing teams)

Teams send out exploration and trading missions, also welcome traders and swap cards

War Band travels round locations checking they are set up OK and spreading roumours. Return to museum and entertain public/combat practice in arena.

12.30 - 1

(Clarice coordinates) War band takes lunch (for the Vikings) round the villages

14.40 Ships return to home village to be there in time for count at 15.00!

15.00 Trading stops.

Teams count up cards and work out local silver value. Reeves verify count and return with team to the Museum.

15.30-15.45 Mercinary auction.

Teams use their silver value/score to bid on which warrior they want to fight for them. (write bid and team name on warriors sheet, highest bid at 15.45 wins)

16.00 - 17.00 Ragnarock; Knockout tournament between mercinaries.

Dead go to Hell, winners go to Valhalla. Champion declared!

Then Hell fights Valhalla. (Warriors who weren't in the tournament split equally between sides).

Refight - Dead are already dead, but on recieving two hits respawn at a resurrection point. See how long those who made it to Valhalla last.

16.55 Game winner announced

17.00 End of Day for Public

Everyone (Vikings and guests): Pack down and return to workshop

Kate: Heads off to get BBQ, Pizza etc ready

18.00 Food at Workshop

19.00ish Guthrum gives update on Galloway Hoard at Workshop, with exclusive bang up to date information and images ...

Later ... After this time becomes more wibbly wobbly, please bring refreshements to share, or we can go to the pub. There are sofas and matresses available at Simon and Kates or in the workshop . If you want a bed then please arrange times, transport and location beforehand. Claire and Billy have beds available, contact them directly.






all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 13-may-16