Living History - Contemporary culture

A strong theme in my artwork is combining the present and the past. During my degree I developed a toolbox of analytical tools, techniques and theoretical frameworks. I also realised that for many people their own cultures past is like a foreign country, with strange cultural practices.

By re-enacting, or re-creating aspects of the past I create opportunities for people to encounter this foreign county and develop a greater understanding of many of the customs which we participate in, often without thinking about them.

I also study historical craft techniques, and then apply the skills I have learned in the context of present day materials, technologies and social needs. For example - around a thousand years ago jewelers started to access fine wires as a basic material to use in their crafts. They developed techniques for making jewelry using wire. I have taken some of these techniques and combined them with the abundance of scrap wire which exists today, or multicoloured coated wire, and run workshops where people can make jewelry from scrap.

If you would like to take advantage of theses skills, please get in touch and I will work with you to create an event that suits you as an individual, or a group which you are part of.

all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 11-apr-20