We are the Workers and the Harvest

Craft Activity

...As you go, proclaim the good news, “The kingdom of heaven has come near.” Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons...(Matthew ch10 vs 7)

WIND SPINNERS: Wind is a widely used symbol of change. We can't see the wind, but we can see its effects. Think about the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, and your environment. What if Jesus has commissioned you to embody the Wind of change?

When you look at your surroundings do you just see things, resources to be managed, used for the good of mankind - or do you sense the creative potential placed there by God?

If the heavens declare the Glory of the risen Lord, and the whole of creation is God's temple - are the changes we need to make in our relationship with it? Money lenders tables to tip?

Or perhaps simply a more subtle sensing of sacredness in the ordinary.

While you think about this you could make a "Winds of Change" wind spinner. There will come a time when we can display these and join with other people in responding to the climate emergency.
(see the Quartz stall at the environment fair for more details)


This page has been set up to provide an Online place for us to meet.

It is accessible Online, so you should be able to use it wherever you are, and whenever you are able. My hope is that you can carry it in your pocket while you are outside and use it to augment your experience of everything which is around you. Less of a virtual world to loose yourself in, and more of a service sheet to help us explore meeting each other and with God. Although we are many, we are one body.

The page was set up for the monthly "Creative Worship" event which ran on the second Sunday every month in St Johns building. Since this is closed we have moved online, and you can access the resources whenever you like. We will gather together occasion ally during the month and use the chat window to keep in touch. For notice about when this will happen please subscribe to the "Quartz at St Johns Dumfries" group on Facebook, or send an e-mail to be kept informed.


The theme for creative worship this week was "We are the Workers and the Harvest". On this page there are

Chat Window

This window will hold a video chat discussion. Please log on at 7pm UK time.

The pass-code is 14620


Reading the Texts

The bible readings which have inspired this creative worship session are:

Genesis 18:1-15

Psalm 42

Romans 5:1-8

Matthew 9:35 - 10: 8

It was also St Columbas' feast day this week. He was a prince, from a family of fighters, but is remembered as a penitent and a pilgrim of peace. After actions, which led to the deaths of many over a copyright issue, he went into exile from his homeland and helped found the kingdom of Scots. Did he see this task to be like that of founding a colony of heaven continuing in the tradition of Martin of Tours and Ninian of Whithorn? What differences are there between colonies founded through domination and pride, and those motivated by penance and a desire to serve by healing?

There is a discussion of the life of St Columba, the relationship of the early Church in the Irish sea region with creation, and what this means for us in chapter 6 of "Restoring the Woven Cord" by Michael Mitton (1995, Darton, Longman, Todd). In the 1990's he was lamenting the lack of leadership shown by Christians in taking action to restore a healthy balance with our environment. I find this both evidence for hope and a source of frustration at that hope being unfulfilled.

Read the chapter here - read the whole book too! and I pray that there will not be a war over making this copy of the text available.

Reading the book of creation

Many are familiar with the teaching that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that ..."

But what about the Words of Psalm 19 where it is taught that "The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge." ?

We are taught to read texts at school, and modern education aims to help people become literate, numerate and rational thinkers. It has perhaps been less successful in supporting people to be compassionate, emotionally secure and creative.

Go for a walk if you are able. Read creation. Not like you would read a book looking for moral instruction. Not looking for allegories to explain morals. But take time to ground yourself and become aware of what you are experiencing.

Discover the emotional truth in the moment.

Flowers smell good, the sun is warm. There is some good in this world and it is worth fighting, living, for.


Here are some video clips and tunes. We will use some of them when we meet on Sunday, but why not try listening to them while you explore a ruin?
Lincluden Abbey (formally known as Lincluden Collegiate Church) is a place which is recognised by many people as a special boundary place. All ruins share something of this.
Ever been homesick for a place you have never know?

We may be unable to meet in buildings, but we can still use places and things to remind us that we are a body. Like the Pentecost Cairn, or the open air of Lincluden where we can meet with our ancestors who we don't need to worry about giving Covid-19 to.

Got an idea for some practical action to take?

Chat about it with someone on the video link about it.

You could also send us an e-mail and get involved

Scottish Heritage

Here are a couple of stories about Columba. They are part of the rich cultural heritage that has built up Scottish culture as we experience it today. They are based on manuscripts from the C8th, C12th and C15th Centuries but if you ask around you will be able to find plenty of people still alive who can describe similar experiences.

all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 18-jun-20