The Quartz project is a partnership between St Johns and Wordsmithcrafts. Its activities aim to help people develop spiritually, often using a wide range of arts.
Planning draws inspiration from the Christian tradition and seeks to provide a positive and inclusive environment where everyone can participate and explore without compromising their sense of spiritual integrity.
Twitter feed @CyberCuldee (and recently on Instagram too!)
Exploring spiritual development with community arts, RO/Time for Reflection in Schools, and #SensingSpirituality
Gut Instinct
Chat Window
This window will hold a video chat discussion. Please log on at 7pm UK time.
The pass-code is 12720
Gut Instinct
Following on from discussions last month's about "Liminal Zones" (boundaries where things change) this months creative worship will explore "Gut Instinct."
What is it that drives peoples urge for a homeland?
Are our basic instincts fundamentally flawed, or an innate desire for a relationship with our creator?
When does religion become a load to heavy to bear, and how can the promise of rest and a light yoke, made by Jesus, be lived out in practice?
Reading the Texts
Scripture which has inspired this session
(Try to ignore the section headings, read it like someone was telling you something cool they heard yeasterday)
A man made Jötten who could eat the world lies sleeping in the hills about 30 miles north of Glasgow.
Some decisions take a lot of thought. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling and deal with the consequences.
This activity combines both types of thinking. you will need two sheets of paper, and something to write with. Scissors and a clean plate will be handy.
Get two pieces of paper and something to write with. Write the key words from the discussion questions at the top of the first sheet "Homeland", "Innate Desire" and "The Promise of Rest"
Take a moment with each word and phrase and just write down things which occur to you - good and bad. Mind map it and doodle if you feel like it.
Fold the second sheet of paper into three sections. Use each section to write a sentence about (1) your memories, (2) current experience, and (3) future hopes.
Cut both pieces of paper up. Don't shred them! but don't spend ages doing it either. You will want to still be able to read and identify words and thoughts in the next step.
Rest the plate in front of you and make a jumbles up pile of pieces of paper on it.
Rest, Pray, and do this mindful of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Lift the pieces of paper above the plate and let them fall where they will.
Start with the pieces that fell in the plate and arrange them as you recognise connections. If something fell outside that you want to be inside - move it! likewise if you wish to distance yourself from thoughts you can move them outside the plate.
Write, draw, doodle, talk about your findings with someone you trust.
Keep in Touch!
This page has been set up to provide an Online place for us to meet.
It is accessible Online, so you should be able to use it wherever you are, and whenever you are able. My hope is that you can carry it in your pocket while you are outside and use it to augment your experience of everything which is around you. Less of a virtual world to loose yourself in, and more of a service sheet to help us explore meeting each other and with God. Although we are many, we are one body.
The page was set up for the monthly "Creative Worship" event which ran on the second Sunday every month in St Johns building. Since this is closed we have moved online, and you can access the resources whenever you like. We will gather together occasionally during the month and use the chat window to keep in touch. For notice about when this will happen please subscribe to the "Quartz at St Johns Dumfries" group on Facebook, or send an e-mail to be kept informed.