Theology Thought of the Day


To what extent is salvation given or worked out through living?

I suspect that the issue of how “Grace” and “Works” relate to one another is an example of #SensingMystery, although like all mysteries it involves a confusion of certainty that keeps us going and awareness of the unknown so we have to keep asking questions.

Particularly in discussions with those interested in ‘Celtic’ spirituality the names Augustine and Pelagius are important. Learning more about the views they expressed is also a good ‘mirror’ within which we can explore our personal beliefs and received teaching about the issue too!

In Scotland most church members who have even heard of Pelagius will remember him as being refuted by Augustine. Augustines understanding of human nature dominates reformed thinking. This article introduces Pelagius and gently encourages us to question our assumptions.

This article explores the subject more closely, from another perspective.

This is a discussion about the nature of human being. The Augustine position combined with a dualistic understanding of human being leads to problems with pre-destination, and the tendancy to dehumanise such as explored in the book “Scarlet letter”. The Pelagian position is open to the accusation that it puts too much emphasis on the ability of humans to save themselves, rather than rely on Jesus death and resurection.

Where do your beliefs place you, and how does that position influence your understanding of salvation? Is there an integrity of belief when you apply this and think of children, convicts, the unborn in the womb, your neighbour?

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