Thought of the Day



Plants give up their fruits 
for us to consume 
(among other animals) 

So, we give up our fruits 
for others (the rich?) 
to consume. 

Is this exploitation;
oppression? Our labour, 
our products – what we 
in value 
indiscriminately ( a rare 
pleasure to choose to whom 
we give, and even then, 
is it a choice?) 

is it humility 
and service? Always 
by that life-giving stream 

life-giving stream of 
many waters

replenishing, replenishing

Spirit of God 

bestowing gifts 
of understanding. 

How I want 
To understand. 

2 replies on “Harvest”

Ah yes, the longing to understand. I wonder, perhaps, if it is not consuming which is the problem. Instead the problem could be described as consuming beyond any ability to adapt and recuperate ?

yes, and the longing to understand where that point of ability/ inability to adapt/ recuperate is. Made more enigmatic by faith!

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