We are Church. Jesus makes sure of that in coffee shops, bus stops, and while people are washing the dishes. The Church is for everyone. Heaven has an open door policy and that starts now.
How can we respond to the issues which challenge our own sense of being, and create congregations where all are welcome though?
I don’t have the answer, but I am sure the way to it is found by shedding the scales of terror, religiosity, and legalism to flourish in a state of metanoia fueled with Love.
If we are to be like Jesus and to minister to those who are different, marginalised and treated as outcasts, then we need to do more than label our churches and websites with messages of ‘all are welcome’. Jesus commanded that we should go out and meet people where they are. For me, this conference has been the start of a process in which to come to greater awareness of how I can be an ally, to reach out and to let transgender people know that they have a place in the Church.
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Look for the glimmers, the nuggets of Joy. Learn to ‘Click the links’ which transform doom scrolling through life into a joy filled search. Then our gatherings will glow.