Arts Christmas Light

Coffee and crafting

We are working away and sticking peoples symbols to mirrors. Every ‘Nugget of Joy’ will contribute to the overall effect.

This Sunday, the 18th of December, will see the first component of the artwork installed.

Working away at Frothy Coffee in Dumfries
From those who gathered for the contemporary service.

As well as for regular services, the building is open for prayer and reflection between 10.30 and 4 each day. You are welcome to drop in and watch the light being gathered and reflected – shaped by all who have contributed.

Thought of the Day


St Johns with new lighting.

New lighting has been installed in the St Johns building. Pews have been blocked off to ensure safer distancing. It’s strange to be indoors with others on a Sunday, rather than in my wee room and connected worldwide…

Although for many years things like facing east have drawn attention to the connection between the saint that is deeper than broadband.