Ignation Spirituality prayers

CLC monday the 15th of December

Alison will be leading our CLC meeting on Monday the 15th of November at 7.30

She will use the text from 1 Samuel 1: 4-20 as a focus and we will have paper and pens etc. to respond as we listen to some music.

She also suggests that the canticle for Sunday from 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 might be inspirational.

Just a reminder that this is not homework!

Come as you are and enjoy this time with others. Your response could also be simply to take the opportunity to share your prayer experiences (moments of #SensingSpirituality) from throughout the week with like minded people.

The general format for the evening will be roughly

Reading – 1 Samuel 1: 4-20
Response – an invitation to draw your word or letter
Small sharing group time