Febreflection Fresh Expressions

Faith and Art

It takes a lot of faith to be an artist. Politicians will tell you that you are unnecessary whilst relying on the creative industries to get their message accross. People will ask you what your proper job is, while you fight the preasure to place profit and exploitative working practices above integrity and your vocation. If you succeed, this is likely to be followed by a backlash where you question the quality of your work and if in doing something that is recognisable you have compromised the vision you know but can only just glimpse.

This should, and at times has, led to great shared experiences between artists and the Church. In some places, perhaps, even as the doctrine fades all that is left of the connection with God is the music, the truth of a right angle and a building which doesn’t fall down, or the painted ceiling which inspires people to look beyond their boundaries and encounter a change of heart and mind.

If any of this resonates with you, you may be interested in the work of this organisation.


#Febreflection so far

Some images and thoughts from people taking part in #Febreflection in 2021

There are more! Find them online using #Febreflection

Febreflection Thought of the Day

#Febreflection Update

As people send things in to Quartz I’ll be posting them on this blog from time to time. Here are a couple from the first week.

More to follow!

Photo by Winfred Wilson

“The few snowdrops look so small and vulnerable in a threatening world, but they will survive.”

Winifred Wilson
Photo by Alison Fair-Bixler

Alison is working with paper made from recycled materials, the knowledge of trees, and will be binding her #Febreflections into a book.

Febreflection Thought of the Day

Golden Apples

We are wrapped in mirk, drenched in the spent blood of politics.

But today, on my table, while it sleets outside, I have an orange with a green leaf on it.

By the grace of God we can achieve wonderful things, and we should not forget that while we seek to reveal the potential the cosmos is pregnant with.



You are Loved

This photo and caption is from “The Unvirtous Abbey” on Facebook. I like the idea of starting #Febreflection with a reminder that we are loved.

Original post on facebook

creation Theology Thought of the Day

The classroom of creation

The following quote comes from a translation of the life of St Mungo as told by Jocelin of Furness early in the 12th Century.

The robin in the story is the one on the coat of arms of Glasgow, and its story is well known. What is perhaps less well known is this discussion about why a serious churchman of high standing should pay attention to sparrows, rock pigeons … or a robin redbreast.

Now a certain little bird, which is called a redbird by the common people because of its ruby-colored small body, was accustomed to receive its daily food from the hand of Servanus, the servant of God, by the command of the heavenly Father, without whom not even one sparrow falls toward the earth. And having accepted such intimacy, he displayed familiarity and tameness towards him. Sometimes he was even accustomed to rest upon his head, or his face, or his shoulders, or his lap, assisting him as he prayed or read, and by the striking of its wings, or by the sound of its inarticulate voice, and by whatever gestures of affection, it would exhibit those towards him. And sometimes the face of the man of God, overshadowed by the acts of the bird, was covered with cheerfulness, admiring truly in the small creature the great power of the Creator, by whom the mute speak and irrational things are known to experience reason

And because many times this bird came near to him or departed by the command and will of the man of God, it reproached the unbelief and hardness of his students’ hearts, and exposed their disobedience. And let this lesson not seem unsuitable to anyone, seeing that God, by the voice of a mute animal and one used to the yoke, rebuked the folly of the prophet, and Solomon, the most wise of men, sent the slothful man to the ant in order that by contemplating his labor and diligence, he might shake from himself his stupefaction and sloth. And a certain holy and wise man summoned his religious to consider the work of the bees, so that in their little bodies they might learn the beautiful discipline of ministry. But perhaps it will seem a wonder to some that a man so holy and righteous would take delight in respect to the play or gestures of a little bird. But let it be known to those of such thoughts that righteous men at times need to be softened from their own sternness so that those who in spirit go out to God are more temperate to us at times Even the bow must sometimes be loosened from its excessive strain, so that it will not be weak and useless for sending the arrow when the time of need comes. For birds seek with outstretched wings to fly in the air, and then once again with these same wings they descend to settle down to the lower earth.

Read the full translation here…

Have a look for the stories referred to in the text (the first prophet mentioned is Balam). More importantly, keep an eye on your garden, or the park when you go for a walk. God has been speaking with humans, teaching, a lot longer than we have had words to write about it.

Picture cc attributation



Finally, beloved,[a] whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about[b] these things.

During the month of Februrary, Quartz encourages you to take time out for reflection each day.

Set yourself a target – once a day, once a week, and reflect on “whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable” and post something with #febreflection on the social media platform of your choice.

It could be a bible verse that stood out, a sunrise you have photographed or written a description of. It could a kind word overheard or a post that builds people up rather than feeds off the human appetite for gossip.

Once a week Quartz will collect these togther and curate a #Febreflection gallery.