prayers Thought of the Day


Collective punishment… can never address the root causes of this violence.

If, like many people, you find it difficult to know what to pray when you think about the conflict going on perhaps these resources drawn together by the Quakers will help.

If you are not troubled, perhaps they will help you ask questions.

We condemn the targeting of civilians and the taking of hostages by Hamas. We condemn Israel’s indiscriminate and disproportionate bombardment of Gaza; the prohibition of food, water and electricity into Gaza; and their attempt to forcibly transfer over 1 million Gazan people. In the West Bank, all cities are on lockdown and heavily militarised. Collective punishment of an entire population can never address the root causes of this violence.

One reply on “Solidarity”

Some very thoughtful and encouraging stuff in that link – thank you.
The only way forward is for ordinary people on both sides to talk face to face and understand each other – as many already do in Israel/Palestine. And we earnestly wait for the return of the Messiah.

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