
Same Sex Marriage

Use of the St John’s building

Just in case you missed it, there are two opportunities to take part in the decision about whether the St Johns building can be used to conduct same sex marriages. Although, according to their conscience, clergy have been able to solemnise same sex marriages since 2017 the use of a particular building is the responsibility of the vestry

From the St John’s notices

On 25th June there will be a Table- Top Discussion event in the Hall after the Sunday service. This will be facilitated by Vestry members. The purpose of the discussion is to ascertain the general feeling of the Congregation about the matter. There will be no vote, as the decision has to be taken by the Vestry, having taken the views of the Congregation into account. It may be worth noting that the views of Vestry members, as in the rest of the Congregation, are varied, and no decision, one way or the other, has been made.

The Vestry in its meeting last month had further, lengthy, discussions about the question of whether we should allow same sex marriages to be conducted in our church building. A paper was circulated to all the Congregation on Sunday 11th June. There is also a tree with leaves for you to write your views. A box has been provided beside the tree if you would prefer to submit your view more discreetly. The box will be emptied and all views will be subsequently posted on the tree.

Pew Notes week commencing Sunday 18/6/23

We will be starting our midsummer Forest Church on Wardlaw hill later that the usual 2pm to allow people to participate in this discussion.

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