
3rd Sunday in Lent

This is the post with a link we can use to join each other, despite seas, mountains and Covid precautions.

The 3rd Quartz Lent 2021 Sunday discussion group can be joined here:

(From about 2.50pm on Sunday afternoon)

How have you been getting on with the daily “Knowing Jesus” material and readings? If you have explored the lot, or if you haven’t found the time to sit down – you are welcome to join in, listen, or discuss.

Please comment below if you would like to contribute something you have become aware of, even if you aren’t able to make it along on the afternoon.

A quick overview of the week:

The Teachings of Jesus were open to all! He had some …interesting… friends. Rich or Poor, he turned the conservative connection between Godliness and wealth on its head. Using your God-given gifts was expected though, failure can be forgiven but burying your head in the sand out of fear is foolish. Love for your neighbour, he taught, meant that anyone in need was your neighbour. Love will dare to take risks and even risk the wrath of religious authorities to do what needs to be done.

Turn the other cheek, was another reminder that laws are at best a limit to human excess, and instead of claiming our rights there is a higher path we can follow. Divorce is a recognition that a relationship has broken beyond repair. Infidelity cuts to the quick. Did Jesus challenge the pharisees by implying that their hearts of stone had lead them to oppose God and encourage baser passions?

In what ways do the teachings of Jesus about simple, everyday things, help us ask questions about our relationship with God? Where might your natural passionate desire to be one with God lead you? In either giving or Gracious Receiving

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