Finding Jesus in Quartz Forest Church
This post continues the theme from the last post, and builds on conversations the summer season has given time to nurture.

Some people find it easy to become aware of the presence of God in a forest. Or to feel closer to the person of Jesus by taking time out to walk in a wood. Others will prefer the structure of a liturgical church service.
Perhaps the robes worn by the priest allow them to become aware of the presence of Jesus with his disciples the night before he was betrayed. The wafers and wine become the broken body, and the tingling of life flowing to fulfil creation and connect with the present day. Repeating the pattern of words provides strength to live in a rapidly changing world. The seasonal changes of readings and collects remind them of the breadth of the Gospel story and link new theology with a heritage of bronze age stories. The sharing of common words amongst a global communion can help them tune in and feel the buzz of belonging.

On a silent retreat a lady saw a dead tree. It had been dead for decades. When she looked at it though she began to see the life supported by it. A thing that was once seen as dead now supported life in generous abundance.
People taking part in a #SensingSpirituality walk feel peace. Walking outdoors in an attitude of awareness they feel better. They are reminded of a truth which is very difficult to describe using words. It is a truth of being, and experience, rather than head knowledge or understanding.

Jesus took on human flesh becoming present in human life. He, ate, slept, wept, and laughed. The presence of God was present in a particular place, and is present in everyplace. Gathering as Forest Church helps recognise the importance and truth of experiencing the presence of Jesus in forests and parks – or on the high street. If God is broadcasting on all frequencies, then gathering together at the Crichton each month is a way to amplify the signal and witness on this particular channel.
Now we know in part, tune in on a crackling wireless to half heard signals, but one day we will hear clearly and know, as we are fully known.