Forest Church

…with prayer

The view from the Crichton QFC on January the 15th, 2023

It had been a drich few days before we met. Record flooding levels in Dumfries saw businesses washed out, some perhaps beyond their ability to recover. I wasn’t sure if some of our proposed activities (follow the link to see the plan) would work out.

However, we were greeted by a clear sky. It is the winter so the weather was brisk, but when you stand in the sun you are warm. Once we had gathered, we moved to a place where we could look through the trees and over the Solway.

One of the things which stood out was the Alder tree. More about Alder here. We moved between activity together as a group and individual exploration. Each of us found space to pray and time to share what we discovered to build up the group as a whole.

We eventually gravitated towards the central café. It is warm enough now to sit outside in the veranda, to share refreshment together and and watch as the sun sets.

Sunset is often used to communicate romantic situations. There is a fire there which warms us. What happens when you step beyond the romance though, and find the secret fire? Will it burn hot enough to carry you into places where you stand out to hold back the floods, and at what cost?

One reply on “…with prayer”

Last paragraph is powerful stuff!! How we would all love to be able to hold back the floods! I have put the next forest church in my calendar and will see if anyone else wants to come with me, hopefully will be there. Keen to go to peace sanctuary events too if/ when they are on.

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