Forest Church

Tabernacles plan

Saturday the 14th of October


9.30 am Meet at St Johns and shuffle for car sharing.

Leave at 10

11.30 Get to Cairn Holy

Stop to wonder about who built them, why? #SensingMystery

(HES site) (Megalithic Portal)

Look at the view, close up with the stones and then far out to sea. #SensingOtherness

Cairn Holy II reminds some people of Aslans stone table. In the books this has laws written in “deep magic” written in it that are older than anyone remembers.

Gloria and Andy have prepared some readings, prayers and activities to explore the history of Sukkot.

Sukkah is the Hebrew word for ‘booth’ or ‘tabernacle’. ‘Sukkot’, the plural, is the name of the festival of booths. Sukkot were the shelters in which the Jewish people lived during their years in the desert after they left slavery in Egypt and before they arrived in the Promised Land (Israel). Sukkot comes at the end of the High Holydays (Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur), which are the most serious days of the Jewish year. It is a joyful pilgrim festival

find out more on the day…

12.30 to 13.00 ish

Return to vehicles and drive to the beach, which will hopefully be Carrick beach ( as the weather forecast is good.

13.30 ish

On the beech we will build shelters. Gloria and Andy tell the story of why we are in tents, and the link of the day to the Jewish festival of Sukkot. Hopefully we can sit and eat lunch in the shelters. (Bring a packed lunch! or pick something up on the way)

For those that choose we can also pray (in the way each is accustomed to) for peace and all those who work for it.

Hopefully there will also be the opportunity to make sand moulded candles as a reminder of the journey. Taking something permanent home from the shifting sand, that can be lit to let out some light.

3.30-ish Return to Dumfries for 5pm

There are no modern facilities at any of the locations, but we will pass several towns. The weather forecast is good, but it might be a bit chilly.

Can’t make it on Saturday? We will meet as Forest Church as usual on Sunday the 15th outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm

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