Forest Church

QFC October review

What’s been happening in October with Quartz Forest Church

The harvest is gathered in and the leaves are beginning to fall from the trees. Here is a quick overview of how we have been responding to this time of year.

Tabernacle trip

Here is a collection of photos and reading from the special forest Church day we held in October. We visited Cairnholy to “Feel small, but in a good way” as we reflected on the passage of time.

We also drew on the Jewish tradition of setting up tabernacles/booths after harvest for the festival of “Sukkot”

Quartz Forest Church at the Crichton

On the third Sunday we met at the Crichton as usual. We took time to notice the change in the season as we move into autumn. We used the fallen leaves to create a wheel. This was divided into four, to represent the seasons, and then we walked round the wheel to reflect on our passage through time. At each point we stopped and thought about that particular seasonal change and our relationship to it.

Some Taize also featured!

School Visiting

When Simon goes into schools to help with history lessons, sometimes he will adopt the character of “Cathbad” from the Viking Era. The (primary school) pupils get to meet someone from their past. This is used to help them think about differences and similarities between their lives and people from the past, as well as find an interest in learning about the places they live in.

Cathbad set up in a school classroem

You may notice some similarities between the shelter used at QFC and the shelter in the school! This is one of the ways in which the Cluaran heritage work of Wordsmith Crafts CIC harmonises with the Quartz project.

3 replies on “QFC October review”

Great to see some common threads weaving through the various activities in October… the seasons moving forward and God’s sheltering protection of us through all of it seems very important. Time does not stand still and we are all being changed in subtle but meaningful ways…

great to see you had a bigger trip in the Autumn too. I miss you all! Hope to see some of you when I visit at the beginning of December.

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