Forest Church

QFC November

Sunday 19th of November

This forest church meetup will be at the Crichton as usual outside the chapel main door at 2pm.


We meet in Jesus name, and share his peace. Whether you consider yourself a close friend, or are just curious, all are welcome.


Take a moment to look around. Be mindful of where you are and when you are. What do you sense in this moment as it connects to all moments, past, present, and future?

Reading from the collection of books.

The SEC lectionary reading is Matthew 25: 14 to 30. The story is called the parable of the talents, or the bags of Gold.

Reading from Creation.

The reading from creation will be autumnal, wintery even. Please dress for the weather and we will walk or sit as suits the day and those who gather.

What does what you sense physically help you know about what you can sense spiritually? What does the nature of creation tell you about the artist creator?

We are in Winter, what has been gathered in that we can treasure, use – what do we need to let go of?

What do you observe that reveals the relationships between humans and landscape, what warnings or encouragement does this inspire for you personally?

Time for Reflection

We will gather to discuss what we have sensed.


Jesus you are the light of the world,

A light that no darkness can quench.

Upon your church

Wrestling with the darkness of evil,

battling against doubt,

let your light shine.

Upon the worlds governments

facing gloom and despair

battling against disaster

let your light shine

Upon those who live in the shadows

caught up in sorrow and strife,

struggling against oblivion

let your light shine

David Adam “The Open Gate” Triangle 1994


We beg you, Lord, to help and defend us.

Deliver the oppressed.

Pity the insignificant,

Raise the Fallen,

show yourself to the needy,

Heal the sick,

Bring back those of your people who have gone astray,

Feed the hungry,

Lift up the weak,

Take off the prisoners’ chains.

May every nation come to know that you are God alone,

That Jesus is your son, that we are your people, the sheep of your pasture.

St Clement of Rome

Go in Peace, to Love and co-create with God

3 replies on “QFC November”

Another beautiful time of letting nature connect us to the wonder of God’s truth.
For me, the thousands of fallen leaves represented regrets which I can let go of as I try to move beyond the usual tropes of self accusation.
Leaves become mulch which can bring new life…

That does make a lot of sense and turns the parable on its head. Another bit of unlearning to do to prove I’m still alive in the universe of constant surprises…

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