Forest Church


Quartz Forest Church, December 2022

It has been a busy, and traumatic, time for some in Quartz, so this forest church is going to take it easy. It might even become a “cafe church” where we can work on more mirrors for the “Christmas Light” installation. We will enjoy the wonderful surroundings of the estate though, perhaps in the snow!

The meeting point is still the Crichton chapel, but if you miss us – look for the Crichton central cafe!

Phase 1 of “Christmas Light” is installed in the St Johns building. It uses the light in the building to explore the way in which the contributors recieved light and become lights in the world. Their contributions shape that which was already there adding to something bigger than themselves. The building is usually open between 10.30 and 4 if you are able to drop in and experience it.

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