Febreflection Lent

Passion and plants

This weaving, by Alison Fair Bixler, is inspired by plants and the Passion (of Christ)

“Plants and the passion…dyes from willow, Veronica, hawthorn etc”

The BBC radio programme is currently not available, but who knows what you will find if you look in the garden and online!

Link to the BBC radio page

4 replies on “Passion and plants”

If you google ‘The Passion in Plants,’ on BBC Radio 4 you will find two accounts of UK native plants associated with Easter introduced by Bob Gilbert and Brother Sam. There are no episodes now but there’s one page of 5 plants and another of 12. My weaving is inspired by the shorter list!

Hi Alison, Thank you very much for signposting me this information. I think I shall purchase a copy of the book. Hope you are well.

Sieger Koder’s painting of the transfiguration can be found on-line.
He was a German Catholic Artist/Priest.

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