Arts Creative Worship

“Christmas Light” review

During Advent in 2022 Quartz used visual arts to give people the opportunity to contemplate how they shape light entering the world. We made several mobiles, strings of mirrors, that were hung in the building. They were beautiful to look at, and many people commented that the installation helped them contemplate.

The process of making the installation was as important as the finished work of art. So please enjoy the images, and take some time to explore the process as well.

This video has a quick run through of a process which took several months.

We invited Photographer Stephen Ross to try and capture some of the atmosphere created by the installation. An evening with some powerful torches and a wee bit of smoke, and these are the final images.

Travel through time on the Blog

The process was recorded on the Quartz blog. A main page for the project could be accessed through the “Activities” menu. The blog posts tagged “Christmas Light” built on this, step by step. They start with the first post introducing the ides for an advent installation from here You can follow the development of the thoughts and theology as the project developed.

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