This Sunday (the 19th of December) we have our monthly Forest Church meeting the Stove are creating an interesting installation called
This seemed like just the sort of event that could be a shared spiritual space. It explores themes of light and darkeness that are core to the Christmas story. It is a public artwork that many would classify as “Secular” – and as it is one night only, it is certainly tied to the present moment!
However, a theme in #SensingSpirituality is recognising the potential for experiencing sacred moments in ordinary events. This blurs assumed boundaries, and breaks social rules. This also makes #SensingSpirituality a dangerous activity and so the way in which it is carried out, and talked about needs tui be rooted in love and carried out with care.
Light sources, however, illuminate rather than demanding that people look straight at them. The theme of becoming people of light in the gospel affirms a confidence that people know how to act, and can have the grace to be gentle in their actions. It may be difficult to find words, and that is one of the reasons Quartz uses the visual arts to communicate, but as a wider community we need to learn how to do this in way that can include everyone.