
Contemporary Worship

The theme for the 6pm service last Sunday was forgiveness (12th of Feb).

One of a series of illuminated images by Simon Lidwell for Lent 2013

Kate talked about the woman who poured perfume on Jesus feet, and the issues of shame, guilt, forgiveness, and Love which that story involves. It is often too easy to focus on a simple dynamic of a judge giving forgiveness to someone who confesses that they were wrong. We don’t know the details of the life of this woman, but the story of her prophetic act has spread throughout the world through the ages. Much like the scent of the perfume would have lingered in the house to remind the proud host of his need for forgiveness. The kingdom of heaven is close, and might smell more like freshly baked bread served with kindness that the most lavish religious ceremony in the land.

Then as a creative response people were given three options.

They could look at the newspapers, and pick something that stood out in need of prayer. By cutting it out and sticking it to a board they could intercede for forgiveness and healing to be shown.

Going deeper into the news stories they could cut the words of the story up and re-edit them into a prayer. Perhaps a lament for something wrong in the world, or to highlight awareness of good news by rewriting the article. The finished cards looked like ransom notes! A reminder that our ransom is paid.

The third response offered was for people to use sticky letters and stamps to make a card to keep or give. These cards had messages to remind ourselves, or others, that we are forgiven. Perhaps that is a better thing to wake up to than BBC headlines on your phone!

Contemporary services are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the month at 6pm on St Johns. Please come and experience a blend of guitar led worship, prayer, bible readings, and a reflection on them that usually has opportunities for a creative response.


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