climate change Fresh Expressions Lent Mission Uncategorized


Today’s lent thinking revolves around Jesus praying in Gethsemane. The story describes him feeling powerful emotions as he anticipates where his path will lead him.

Most people avoid fear and anger and the situations where we may experience these emotional states. There is a tradition of “Via Negitiva” though. I react badly to (hate?) Disney for the decisions they have made to edit out tragedy from old stories, or redress them to promote a simplistic and conservative vision of the USA. I think stories can, and should, help us encounter feelings we hope we will never experience for real and that this will help us handle the times when we have to walk a dark path.

When I was a teenager I was trained to take the good news to my friends. One of my teachers, in particular, combined music and visual imagery. Using a cassette tape and a film projector with actual reels! To help us imaginatively engage with the meaning. The song he chose was “The sound of silence” by Simon and Garfunkel. The experience of frustration has been reinterpreted and expressed by “Disturbed” more recently.

This freedom and adaption to a changing world was a rarity though. Many had a desire to take the gospel relevantly to every generation. Their underlying agenda was to bring people to their vision of Church however. With the best of intentions, it seemed like they would bait activities with fun, reduce their dogma to soundbites, and then expect new recruits to settle down into established church patterns. Young people who were devoted to the Way would be burdened by their elders perceived failures to succeed. Issues like consumerism, climate change and the persecution of people because of their gender and sexuality were badly handled by a culture finding it difficult enough to understand the ethics of vegetarianism.

This song and video helped me work though some of that experience.

I started with a pop/folk song covered by a metal band. A while ago I was intrigued to discover that a metal track composed by “Nine Inch Nails” had become popular in Church circles. The new version was recorded by Johnny Cash towards the end of his life. Hindsight, nostalgia, these are powerful emotions.

What are the consequences of addiction to social order experienced by national churches? To denomination by those trained in that path? All humans need safe spaces to nourish a strong sense of identity in relationship – but how many “little deaths” have young people been forced to make in order to fit in? Where has the support for them been, when they leave the mother ship to establish safe spaces for outcasts and those who question the status quo?


Reason and Spirituality

Sometimes we are in the position where our head tells us one thing and our heart the other. It is important to recognise the difference, but unless we can reconcile the two ways of knowing how do we know how to act?

Or should we deny one and follow the other?

This is not a new question, but here is an update on the science behind it

A short lecture on the subject (YouTube)

2ndSunday Creative Worship Uncategorized

2nd Sunday in December

Creative Worship for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (the 13th of December)

Firstly, my appologies if you thought this was happening this weekend. A bit of a calendar clash – 2nd Sunday in December is the 3rd in Advent.

Psalm 126 or Lk 1: 46b-55

The texts linked to above are taken from the readings The Scottish Episcopal Church will be exploring as part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Read them in your prefered translation, if you follow the links you can read them in a multitude of translations and paraphrase though. Pray and let the Holy Spirit breathe through the looseness of language. Think critically and check your thoughts with the measuring rods of tradition and reason.

On the 2nd Sunday we will be thinking creatively and taking inspiration from the text to work out some everyday mantras. Short things to mull in your mind while you wait in a queue 2m apart from people. Prayers for putting on your mask. Habit forming phrases to help infuse your life with the flavour of God. Prayers we can work on together that will weave inner and outerwear to build Christlike minds and bodies which are ready for any apocalypse.

Please use the comments to suggest anything you find in advance. Trawl through your meme stash and see what is fitting to offer.

As usual, the liturgy for the evening will be available online – we will have a zoom link and a chance to meet in person- use the registration form.