Collective punishment… can never address the root causes of this violence.
If, like many people, you find it difficult to know what to pray when you think about the conflict going on perhaps these resources drawn together by the Quakers will help.
If you are not troubled, perhaps they will help you ask questions.
We condemn the targeting of civilians and the taking of hostages by Hamas. We condemn Israel’s indiscriminate and disproportionate bombardment of Gaza; the prohibition of food, water and electricity into Gaza; and their attempt to forcibly transfer over 1 million Gazan people. In the West Bank, all cities are on lockdown and heavily militarised. Collective punishment of an entire population can never address the root causes of this violence.
Here is a video clip produced as a collaboration between Alison and Kate. for the intercessions at an evening service in St John’s Dumfries we were encouraged to write prayers on long bandages.
Then we wrapped them round a globe as an act of prayer.
Quartz has been using Haiku this weekend as part of the Wordsmith Crafts CiC setup at Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts trail.
The following is taken from notes written by Kate, who has been leading this activity.
A selection of Haiku
We have been giving people a space to stop. The whole of Kirkcudbright becomes a walking trail and on Friday we had a couple of chairs to rest in which were appreciated.
I have experienced people being surprised by what they have achieved, that they have come up with such a profound haiku. One lady took ages, told me lots about her life and the struggles she faced. She was in tears when she finished her poem, and it was a lovely poem for her sons.
Another experience I have enjoyed was asking children if they know what haiku were and wathcing their parents being really impressed that their child knows all about them.
We have a bowl full of words on cardboard strips. Having words provided means that people encountered words they weren’t expecting. One lady was ambushed by the word forgiveness- we had a brief conversation about it but I suspect more thinking and heart-searching happened after she left.
In addition, giving people the opportunity to write their own words allowed one girl to ignore all the rules and simply state “My name is Bee”. One man wrote a lovely poem about someone special in his life. Young twins who hadn’t learned to read yet enjoyed picking up words they liked the look of, and then the adults watching re-ordered them, #SensingMeaningfulness.
Saturday was wet and windy to start so there were no haiku for the first few hours, but some lovely ones arrived with the sunshine later on. It was great to see parents and children working together – parents were happy to help without taking over or changing things that they thought weren’t quite right.
During the morning haiku hiatus, the finger labyrinth we also have on the table, being made of glazed pottery and therefore much more waterproof, came into it’s own. Some had seen one before, but many learned to use one for the first time. I had a great half-conversation with a lady who was trying to get her son to do it as he had had a difficult day and she thought it would help him.
Not everyone felt able to stop for long, but we had many brief conversations about laying burdens down safely and picking them up in a different mindset. I felt able to say that I speak to Jesus in the middle.
The labyrinth of chairs we set up in St Johns, linking activity inside the building with activities like this in the wider community.
More to follow! Sunday and Monday still to go.
As well as the Quartz area Wordsmith Crafts has a workshop where people can become 5 or 10 minute apprentices and learn to make copper armbands. This is a hands on encounter with millennia old skills. Conversations about value, time, and our relationships with the people who have contributed to making the Scotland we know today.
There is also a shop area where artists associated with WSC can exhibit and sell their work. This helps support the artists, and fund the installation at the trail – any surplus will be directed to helping people access the full resources of their Heritage through other projects.
Just some Iron Age folk discussing heritage, in between customers.
If anyone else is stuck with their mind frozen trying to make sense of the war – Here are some steps based on how being involved in this installation helped me.
Step 1
Is recognising all the souls caught up in this – however they got there.
Step 2
Is recognising the outrage you may feel that this is taking place. Or perhaps the courage shown in a story, or the horror in something you have seen.
Step 3
Is to fold, and while you fold be mindful of what is happening.
Some, like me, might choose to carry the emotions to God in prayer, to ask why? Or to ask the Holy Spirit to hover round their souls. Or use written prayers or speak as inspired. I know others will have their own ways, and for some even the thought of religion will be a distraction. These steps are an offering from my art, not instructions I’m trying to impose.
Hopefully the installation communicates and is accessible to most people with integrity, whatever their politics or beliefs.
Step 4
Having taken time out to reflect, hopefully you will be in a better place to choose how to act positively, or refrain from reacting negatively. The folded Angels are a visualisation of the process.
Repeat as required…Please copy the idea if you are inspired, send angels to add to our installation if that will help you. Talk to those you trust, and help each other by listening. Look out for other artistic responses…
The next Quartz lent meeting will be one of contemplative reflection. This basically means that people can talk, and be actively listened too, but it isn’t a time for critical bible study or deep rational analysis.
This balances up the other Lent meetings where we will by exploring set questions and discussion to work out answers.
Alison is bringing something to guide our reflections. She will start with the boutique image pictured in this post, and Psalm 42
Yesterday evening the Quartz Christian Life Community met up. We discussed what was going on in our lives, and spent time listening to God.
To us do this Andy had chosen a reading, prepared some prayers, and provided a reflection/response activity.
The passage chosen was Isaiah ch.6 vs 1-8 . The prayers were inspired by the legacy of Celtic spirituality and our response was to freehand doodle a continuous line whilst reading the prayers and see what happened. This was done on acetate, so Andy could then attach them as panels onto the backlit cupboard door we had used as a visual focus. This meant that we could view what we had drawn as a collaborative ‘stained glass window’.
Kate was inspired to send a link to this Ian White song
The vestry at St John’s in Dumfries have decided to pause meeting in the building as a precaution to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19. This means that our CLC group won’t be meeting as planned on the 10th. However, activity has not stopped! This is a meditation prepared by Alison that can be used online by anyone with access to the internet.
Have a Bible to hand, and select a piece of art to pray with or a place to pray in (if outside have appropriate clothing available!)
Become still in whatever way suits you. Maybe review the last few weeks since we last met and see what comes to mind.
Then Listen to Bifrost Art singing Psalm 46.
Psalm 46 Bifrost Arts
Slowly read Psalm 46 two or three times.
Is there a verse or phrase which leaps out to you?
Remain in the place of your choice or with the object you have chosen and pray or repeat your chosen verse or phrase for as long as you like—maybe 20 minutes.
You might like to respond to your meditation in some way, perhaps with words or a drawing.
You may or may not wish to share your response with the rest of us in the CLC group. If you like you can leave a comment on this page or e-mail a photo to Quartz
Alison will be leading our CLC meeting on Monday the 15th of November at 7.30
She will use the text from 1 Samuel 1: 4-20 as a focus and we will have paper and pens etc. to respond as we listen to some music.
She also suggests that the canticle for Sunday from 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 might be inspirational.
Just a reminder that this is not homework!
Come as you are and enjoy this time with others. Your response could also be simply to take the opportunity to share your prayer experiences (moments of #SensingSpirituality) from throughout the week with like minded people.
The general format for the evening will be roughly
Prayer Reading – 1 Samuel 1: 4-20 Response – an invitation to draw your word or letter Small sharing group time