#SensingSpirituality creation

Water II

Continuing the theme of water.

23 Some went down to the sea in ships,
doing business on the mighty waters;
they saw the deeds of the Lord,
his wondrous works in the deep.
For he commanded and raised the stormy wind,
which lifted up the waves of the sea.
They mounted up to heaven, they went down to the depths;
their courage melted away in their calamity;
they reeled and staggered like drunkards,
and were at their wits’ end.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he brought them out from their distress;
he made the storm be still,
and the waves of the sea were hushed.
Then they were glad because they had quiet,
and he brought them to their desired haven.
31 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wonderful works to humankind.

Psalm 107:23-31
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised

Give yourself time to be aware of the vast range there is in the human experience of water. From resting beside calm pools in leafy burns to vast expanses of ocean.

Exercise your ability to wonder.

Jesus teaches that God is both creator of the cosmos, and comforter. Examine your life story so far. Where do you sense the cosmic presence of God in awesome things? Where do you sense God close with you?

creation Thought of the Day


Here is a video made by Simon as part of his chaplaincy work with Dumfries High School.

It was used during mental health week, with an introduction linking the advice given by Jesus to reflect on what is important, and the way in which our social media feed can drag our attention down unhealthy paths.

Enjoy the last wee bit of harvest!

creation Forest Church

Forest church No.2

Here are some photos from today’s Forest Church meeting.

Our words to send to COP26

More photos and a write up to follow.

Arts creation Theology

Homo laudans

It has often been said that people have a God shaped hole they need to fill. The Gospel is then presented as good news, that the hole can be filled.

It is, of course, true that like the father in the story of the prodigal son, God rushes from the house to meet us in our need. Jesus became low in order to lift us up, and we should call on our saviour in times of need.

However, what if you are one of the people who experiences God in the sparkling of light on the water? Or for whom the joy of tasting brambles and of just “living life” is a constant reminder of the presence of God. Perhaps then the Gospel for you is not characterised by the filling of an absence.

When you read in the Gospel of John that “… But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, …” this can the recognition of an overflowing of abundance found within the core of your being. A natural inclination to praise God that finds it’s shape in the unfolding story of Christianity.

What if the feelings of disatisfaction many experience within their christian life could be described as a hunger to expand their awareness. Just as children experience an urge to grow beyond the familiar safe space that those who care for them create, if we are filled with potential by God then this will drive us to seek more of God in the unfamiliar.

Rather than wondering why the “God shaped hole” isn’t filled no matter how much you give up or deny yourself, perhaps it is time to rest and remember the confidence God has in you and in who you are becoming. Trust that the yoke is easy and burden light.

Take time to remember how the sunlight sparkles on water, gather brambles that grow wild in hedgerows, and discover new ways of joining with creation to praise God for the things that make your heart sing.

And for those who like reading theology:

John Reuben Davies, “Human being and the praise of God” ch2 in “Made in the Image of God” Ed. Michael Fuller & David Jasper Sacristy press 2021

creation Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Dust to Dust or Light to Light?

What is your relationship with your environment? Or perhaps a better place to start is to reflect on how you perceive your relationship with all that is around and within you.

Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the absence of the things we hope for. It can seem like a struggle to animate lifeless dust, and hold everything together. Perhaps there is a fear that if we stop, then everything will just crumble and fall apart.

There is good news. While all these feelings are real, and deserve acknowledging, we are also children of light. God the creator creates and sustains all things in being. We are children of light, and the way has been opened so we can become the fulfillment of the potential that is in the fabric of the cosmos.

If you are stressed, let the knowledge of the love of God (for you) fill your heart and mind. Breathe. Let it be the light in which you see your self, reflected in your relationships, and with which you illuminate the room.

See more of the installation by Rob Mulholland here…

2009 Vestige

creation Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Micro Management

Do you make God in your image, or allow yourself to be made in the image of God?

Mowing lawns may seem far off from the worship of idols. However, people put a lot of effort into maintaining standards. Even now many seek the return to normality and call the privileged consumption culture we live in freedom and their right.

The new normal will not be as well tended and tidy as 2019. Perhaps we can reflect on the cracks 2020 revealed. This is an opportunity to make structural changes, give up the appearances we were enslaved by, and nurture the growth of good things we have found.

The seeds of flowers lie in the meadows. They are placed their as potential waiting to be revealed. Don’t mow them before they have time to bloom. Remember how Jesus was gentle enough to let weeds grow alongside wheat and leave the sorting until another time. Be encouraged, have confidence, to live in faith and wait for the good things waiting to be revealed.

climate change creation Mission

Tuesday the 16th – Climate Change.

Today is the day (16th of March) The Eco Congregation Scotland network are running a series of events to help you think about things you can do in response to climate change.

Especially since representatives of the current ‘winners’ in the status quo are gathering in Glasgow this year.

You may wish to sign up to find ideas about what the Church worldwide can do to respond to climate change in this “Kairos” moment.

creation Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Outerweave

Creative Worship

This video was made in 2017. It shows a range of things which have been carried out in partnership with St Johns church in Dumfries which involve visual arts.

What will you be inspired to seek out where you are?

creation Febreflection


Beauty is both ordinary, understandable, here – and wonderful, incomprehensible, beyond.

What moments make you? Take time out to notice good things. #Febreflection #SensingSpirituality

creation Theology Thought of the Day

The classroom of creation

The following quote comes from a translation of the life of St Mungo as told by Jocelin of Furness early in the 12th Century.

The robin in the story is the one on the coat of arms of Glasgow, and its story is well known. What is perhaps less well known is this discussion about why a serious churchman of high standing should pay attention to sparrows, rock pigeons … or a robin redbreast.

Now a certain little bird, which is called a redbird by the common people because of its ruby-colored small body, was accustomed to receive its daily food from the hand of Servanus, the servant of God, by the command of the heavenly Father, without whom not even one sparrow falls toward the earth. And having accepted such intimacy, he displayed familiarity and tameness towards him. Sometimes he was even accustomed to rest upon his head, or his face, or his shoulders, or his lap, assisting him as he prayed or read, and by the striking of its wings, or by the sound of its inarticulate voice, and by whatever gestures of affection, it would exhibit those towards him. And sometimes the face of the man of God, overshadowed by the acts of the bird, was covered with cheerfulness, admiring truly in the small creature the great power of the Creator, by whom the mute speak and irrational things are known to experience reason

And because many times this bird came near to him or departed by the command and will of the man of God, it reproached the unbelief and hardness of his students’ hearts, and exposed their disobedience. And let this lesson not seem unsuitable to anyone, seeing that God, by the voice of a mute animal and one used to the yoke, rebuked the folly of the prophet, and Solomon, the most wise of men, sent the slothful man to the ant in order that by contemplating his labor and diligence, he might shake from himself his stupefaction and sloth. And a certain holy and wise man summoned his religious to consider the work of the bees, so that in their little bodies they might learn the beautiful discipline of ministry. But perhaps it will seem a wonder to some that a man so holy and righteous would take delight in respect to the play or gestures of a little bird. But let it be known to those of such thoughts that righteous men at times need to be softened from their own sternness so that those who in spirit go out to God are more temperate to us at times Even the bow must sometimes be loosened from its excessive strain, so that it will not be weak and useless for sending the arrow when the time of need comes. For birds seek with outstretched wings to fly in the air, and then once again with these same wings they descend to settle down to the lower earth.

Read the full translation here…

Have a look for the stories referred to in the text (the first prophet mentioned is Balam). More importantly, keep an eye on your garden, or the park when you go for a walk. God has been speaking with humans, teaching, a lot longer than we have had words to write about it.

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