While I’m working on a report about all the activity over midsummer, here is a wee glimpse of some of the other art I have been working on.
Working notes!
This is a set of nine illuminations described as fruit of the Spirit. Drawing them has helped me think about the presence of God. Perhaps a little like the disciples walking down the road to Emmaus. The presence is there, and experiencing it is like tasting fresh fruit on a warm and tiring day.
Following that story though, the question I have for the Church in the cultures I live in is; does the manner in which we break bread and share wine reveal the presence of Jesus in these every day experiences?
The collection of 9 illuminations is available for download via my patreon site.
Becoming a patron of the arts used to be the privilege of the rich. Perhaps it would be seen as a duty, perhaps an expression of power and social ambition. Sometimes simply a tax dodge, but on other occasions passionate patrons could bankrupt themselves leaving contributions they believed contributed to the good of society at large. Through various web sites, or by establishing direct relationships, the opportunity to experience becoming a patron has opened up to those who can afford the price of an extra coffee a week.
Since you are reading this, you are probably already aware of the ways in which Quartz uses artwork online. We also make physical visual arts. Most are enjoyed free at point of access. There is usually a link between the two in each project we work on.
(I’ve posted the artwork from the photo on my patreon page. I’m working on making others more useful for digital displays and printing on service sheets).
On a larger scale artists working as Quartz have developed tapestries, massive installations, walk in labyrinths – and simple cards. They are a way of acting creatively with the world we exist in, with the wider communities we are part of.
In general, this is what artists do and have always done even though the tools change from gold leaf on vellum to illuminated screens. If you’d like to contribute your creativity through Quartz please get in touch to get involved!
Another opportunity the digital age presents are new ways in which many more people can become patrons of the arts and get involved that way.
It is possible for people to like and share their preferences online. In a similar way to encourageing people to visit a gallery in person, you can now share an experience worldwide through your smartphone and friendship networks. Instead of relying on centralised funding and commercial galleries anyone with digital access has the potential to help build up virtual galleries and networks that celebrate new folk art, emerging artists, or amateurs creating for the love of it.
Used at a contemporary service with Wisdom as a theme
Have you ever looked round social media platforms, Etsy, Patreon, or small high street galleries specifically to discover ways you can nurture artists?
Learning to do so online is a discipline – fight the algorithms which consume your attention! You can use your likes, comments, and subscriptions to shape the online world.
You can find my Patreon page by following this link
Has anyone been to see – experience – the punchdrunk retelling of the aftermath of the Trojan war?
This post is a reflection on their use of art, based on watching the trailers and listening to the opinions expressed in then.
Their aim is to retell an ancient story, immerse the audience in it, and give them the opportunity to go away changed. Can you see any similarities with what Christians do when they gather for a service? There are also significant differences though.
I’ve listed some of the similarities and differences below, what could you add?
This is an immersive experience. There is use of a variety of arts – visual arts in the setting and clothing, music, dance, spoken word.
Not better than traditional theatre, but different.
Led by a team of skilled professionals
Those who come are presented with multiple options that give/require them to make choices. To become participants rather than a passive audience.
An authoritative retelling by approved leaders to an audience.
An enhanced experience of #SensingOtherness through the use of special clothing, or normal clothing used differently.
Choose to follow the narrative, or simply enjoy one special moment then time to share personal experiences of the whole event with a group of trusted friends.
Familiar themes and phrases repeated week after week, that participants can join in with.
Emphasis on people discovering their own experience of the story, finding or even creating, personal meaning within the collective experience.
Eating and drinking together.
Six years in preparation, high quality
What appeals to you, makes you feel excited, when you think about both settings (the play and say, an 11 O’Clock service at St Johns)
There are deeper questions to ask;
Where the meaning lies in a story (author, reader, the process of telling?)
What does each approach to the story tell us about the underlying approach to historical, emotional or literary truth?
What prior experience, and follow up, does each telling require in order for participants to benefit fully from the experience?
There are examples of services which use similar approach to celebrating as “Burnt City” does elsewhere on this blog. – but what are your thoughts?
This weekend (27-29th of May) is Spring Fling weekend in D&G.
All over the region artists will be opening their studios for people to drop in and explore creativity. This year stained glass sculptor Andy Brooke will be taking part.
One of the finished pieces he will have on display is the butterfly made for our “Transformation” Easter project.
Whatever your views on the coronation, it will be a topic of discussion. Side stepping the political issues of the relevance of the monarchy to Scotland and the UK as a whole, there is a discussion going on about what some of the visual art used on the coronation invite means.
Have you heard of “Green Men” before?
A quick search will find many green men.
There are many expert studies on the origin and meaning of “Green Men” carved into the fabric of Church buildings. The following is not one of them. It does however provide a quick and easy read with ideas of where to go to find out more.
A little research will help provide opportunties for us to take part in the continually growing exploration, understanding, and expression of spirituality. Deeper reflection on why this quite early mediaeval symbol is relevant now could provide insight into the harvest Jesus promised, but which modern gatherings of church are finding it difficult to reap.
The article also raises some questions about the importance of myth, how it functions, and the role meaning plays in the imagined reality that informs our daily lives.
How much of our every day opinions are shaped by things we are barely aware of? How often do we examine the reliability of what we assume is normal.
Less well known are the “Sheila na gig” carvings, and have you ever wondered what the shape the bishop stands in on the scottish episcopal logo?
Scroll down on their page to read the version in English language
Have you noticed changes in the seasons, a breaking in the pattern of the wheel of the year?
#SensingChallenge What are the changes we need to be aware of if we are to head the warning in Jesus words about the foolishness of recognising weather warnings but ignoring the signs of the times? (recorded by Luke here)
Are you inspired to suggest any ways we could use the arts to explore, understand, or express these things? (Please use the comments or send us a message)
16 “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others:
“‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”
Read more on Bible GatewayThis story is also told in Luke 7:31
Have you ever wondered about the way Jesus talks of Wisdom in these passages? Or compared the description of creating in Proverbs 8:22-31 with the introduction to the Gospel of John? Is Jesus claiming the title of “Wisdom/Sophia” who is described elsewhere as with God before creation and the mother of all good things?
Questions like that, and the process of exploring them, are not everyone’s favourite pastime! Those who wonder about such things when there is a roof to fix and people to feed are often dismissed as just queer – “Why can’t they just be normal”. But for some people they are the experience where they feel their hearts burn within them. Where they converse with others and mystery unfolds like the petals of a flower to receive the sunshine.
It is a delicate process however, and people find it much easier to speak dismissively about abnormal behaviour in ways which lead all but the extremes to clam up and become silent.
This article outlines the authors experience of changes in the use of language within the Church, and asks some salient questions.
Something is happening to the chrysalis – it is being destroyed so that something new can become real. The hopes and fears of many people within the layers of paper are becoming transformed into a single prayer for the world, an offering to God on Easter Day!A butterfly emerges from the crucible of prayers…It flies freely through the light and illuminates our hopes for the future.