Angel Cloud Arts

A Light Touch

Artists help us become aware of the invisible reality we live in. This process can be confusing and leave us questioning things we were certain of, it can also reassure those who experience it – leaving them with the thought “Now I see it, I’m glad I’m not the only one!”

#SensingSpirituality is a project which aims to draw out peoples ability to sense this hidden reality. Skills in #SensingMeaningfulness, or #SensingValues can help us recognise patterns and connections that help provide identity. They can help individuals find something in common with others and communities, even when violence in the physical, “Sensible?” experience of reality is ripping things apart.

Just as we highlight five physical senses, but can be aware of many more, we could talk of five spiritual senses as a path to awareness of all that we can inherit as human beings.

The #SensingSpirituality tag contributes to this by marking moments online. When you are posting a photo, liking, or sharing something why not think about the spiritual (in the general sense) character of your action.

Are you #SensingValues, #SensingMeaningfulness, #SensingChallenge, #SensingMystery, #SensingOtherness, or is it a special moment when all your senses are heightened and in #SensingAwareness you become aware of a subtle change in state sometimes described as being “at one” with your environment.

These moments can also be described as “light bulb” moments. The point of this post though is that all these things are happening all the time. We are just unaware of them. Installations like the Angel cloud in Dumfries or the knit bomb bunnet in Oban can encourage us to “see” the invisible.

Taking a day out a week to rest and restore your relationship with this spiritual heritage is a core part of the Christian and many other tradtions. If you are up for it – you could tag your #SensingSpiritualty moment, and turn your scrolling into art – just like you’d use an emoji.

Dumfries and Oban #SensingSpirituality
Angel Cloud Forest Church Outerweave

Forest Church at Allanton

We held the March Forest Church meeting at Allanton Peace Sanctuary. This was part of one of the eight seasonal festivals they are planning for this year. These festivals recognise the changing seasons in what is sometimes called the wheel of the year.

We had a particular focus on peace in Ukraine and Russia, but also were very aware of all the conflict taking place worldwide. We pray for peace in all continents and between all people.

Angel Cloud

You can find out more about Allanton here

Angel Cloud

Practical Help

“I, by my works, will show you my Faith…”

The act of making art can visualise some very complicated emotions. Art in public can be an action that ‘moves’ many people. If you are a dancer, then dancing can be protest as well as performance, and we who are crafters have folded angels.

We can also help in other more direct ways too and here is a list of agencies and individuals who can help get that aid to where it is needed in Ukraine.

MOOL (Massive Outpouring of Love)Things that will be helpful
Station House Cook SchoolHelp someone on the ground help refugees.
Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)15 UK Charities working together. They can use your donation effectively to help out where it is needed.
Providing foodWorld Central Kitchen
Hostile or hospitable environment?Take action and contact your (UK) MP to make your opinion about refugees known. Info from Refugee Action
Scottish Episcopal Church ResponseFrom the college of bishops
If links are broken or you think something is missing, let us know!
Angel Cloud


A longer post today, inspired by thoughts of war which once again fill my social media feed, and mind.

…When I tell the story of Ragnarock I grieve. It follows Loki telling too much truth, harshly. It is the breaking of oaths, conflict between those who should be family. It is the twighlight that follows from the grinding down of hope and loss of integrity. The cause

… Love of gold? Warped erotic desire for power over others?

An apple which should be the sweet kiss of summer, but poisoned with cyanide?

But as I hang my mind on the world tree and prepare to travel, I follow the path of my great hero. Who, disrobing, stepped up upon the rood. Commanding it not to bend. There the work planted in the womb of time was brought to fruition. Struck down to rise up stronger than imaginable. A light in dark places and the opening of  a Way that can transform.

A light which helps us see who we are and where we are going. For some this will appear to come from outside them, other will find it within. What is important is that when you ‘look’, you are able to see. When you can see, you can act.

So I pray for peace, and for all those caught up in the horror of war. May we all see truly, find release from that which binds us, and eat apples which bring life beyond death.

Angel Cloud

Crafters, keep on crafting.

I can scarcely imagine what it must be like to have your country invaded and your home subjected to rocket attacks. How can you work when it is too dangerous to leave your house? How can you buy food when you can’t work?

I will have sat round a campfire, after a days work, singing songs and telling stories with some of these people. Outside the international market season we use the internet to keep in touch, and our community spans many land masses and language groups. Now some of them are selling digital downloads since they can’t make or export the things they make. Some have posted other ways people can show their support. Some are simply venting outrage. Others have posted that they will continue to stand their ground and continue to fulfil their orders.

With the help of artists in Kyiv I present this list of artists and traders, especially in the re-enactment community. Perhaps it is a way you can help, despite the state sponsored violence. Obviously, there are many things that could go wrong with any purchases you make, but I like the idea that new technology could beat barriers that break up communities.

Is continuing to make, and to shop, a non violent act of defiance? What about maintaining communication despite attempts to isolate people?

You could send messages to these shop owners and communicate until the networks go down, or data wall is built up.

This list will grow as I discover more.

Not all of the makers have been able to set up digital downloads, and in a war like this where the boundaries between civilian and soldier are not respected then no transactions are guaranteed.


Fern ceramics*

Falcon house Jewellery



Historic Textile


Pagan store*









Berloga workshop*


Ursula Jewelley

Angel Cloud Arts Creative Worship prayers

Folding a prayer

 If anyone else is stuck with their mind frozen trying to make sense of the war – Here are some steps based on how being involved in this installation helped me.

Step 1

Is recognising all the souls caught up in this – however they got there.

Step 2

Is recognising the outrage you may feel that this is taking place. Or perhaps the courage shown in a story, or the horror in something you have seen.

Step 3

Is to fold, and while you fold be mindful of what is happening.

Some, like me, might choose to carry the emotions to God in prayer, to ask why? Or to ask the Holy Spirit to hover round their souls. Or use written prayers or speak as inspired. I know others will have their own ways, and for some even the thought of religion will be a distraction. These steps are an offering from my art, not instructions I’m trying to impose.

Hopefully the installation communicates and is accessible to most people with integrity, whatever their politics or beliefs.

Step 4

Having taken time out to reflect, hopefully you will be in a better place to choose how to act positively, or refrain from reacting negatively. The folded Angels are a visualisation of the process.

Repeat as required…Please copy the idea if you are inspired, send angels to add to our installation if that will help you. Talk to those you trust, and help each other by listening. Look out for other artistic responses…

View A cloud of Angels Installation