2021 Review Fresh Expressions report



This post is an introduction and overview. Within each section there is a link, giving you the opportunty to read more (and watch videos or download files) about that type of activity on its own post, and then link back here.

My time on sabbatical is drawing to a close. One of the questions I have been reflecting on is how to describe what it is I do, and in particular what I do that is recognisable as St John’s activity. This is not a question that can answered by presenting a diary of a typical three months, even if there is flexibility in choosing which three months that might be.

When I first started working on Quartz I kept such a diary, and have a spreadsheet with hours on each activity logged and categorised up to 2019. Some activities were income-generating and others voluntary. In some I was obviously identifiable as representing St John’s, others were explicitly Christian but not generally recognised as a St John’s type of thing. Other areas of activity could be described as simply contributing to the community or exploring heritage and artistic expression.

It is much more difficult to quantify the significance of, or time spent on, my own mulling over what I was learning or time in the forge hammering metal and my mind into a shape where I become aware of opportunities and creative solutions. This is the context within which Quartz developed. In discussion with the Rector and Vestry, specific areas of activity were identified as recognised desirable contributions to the life of the church. These contributed to overall aims to develop spiritual literacy in the community, work with local schools and support creative spirituality with my artistic skills at St John’s events.

Quartz has also been flexible, responding to opportunities and the requests made by the leadership and community of St John’s and beyond. This changes seasonally, adapting to school term times and wider community activities. It also means that the project has changed over the years it has been running as the opportunity to work within different communities has presented itself.

  • Initially there was a focus on schools work and creative worship services, as well as mentoring and providing opportunities for young artists to develop or try out career options.
  • This then developed into more work with adults and a pattern of Interweaves within the building and Outerweaves at community events.
  • The third phase involved a lot of work in North West Dumfries building on links I had been developing with the youth and heritage sectors as Wordsmithcrafts.
  • In the fourth phase, adapting to needs arising from loss of people involved and a change in church leadership, Quartz activity became more focused on supporting activities within the St John’s context.

When lockdown occurred the release from the pressures of normal physical activities opened up new possibilities to develop Quartz online. When people who were unfamiliar with online existence found they needed to migrate to the internet, they found Quartz had moved in years before and was a digital resident. The website you are reading this on is new, but Wordsmithcrafts has had a website since early in the millennium, and cyberpilgrimages, online sacred spaces and the relatoinship between early medieval manuscripts and digitally illuminated screens is something which I have explored artistically from the beginning.

One of the reasons for undergoing a time of sabbatical was a perception that the understanding and relationship which existed when the activities which became the Quartz project was set up had been lost. I am still unable to describe this satisfactorily here. I have however been able to reconnect with the theme currently described as “Fresh Expressions” which provides frameworks and language to describe the sorts of things which Quartz has been doing.

So instead of a calendar of events and activities, I’ve used a framework based on five headings described by Hodgett and Bradbury in their 2018 article “Pioneering Ministry is a Spectrum” (ANVIL vol 34 issue 1). This will allow me to report on the diversity of activities carried out as Quartz, show how they relate to Wordsmithcrafts in general, and also answer the question about how it relates to St John’s.

Although Quartz was not set up to generate “Fresh Expressions” of church, it did work towards the

“Engagement with new constituencies”

aims of St Johns Mission action plan both by taking the activity of St John’s out of the building into new settings and by contributing the growth experienced from this to life within the building. At the end of this post I have a redrawing of the Hodgett and Bradbury diagram to reflect how Quartz has worked within the ‘attractional’ mission strategy of St John’s rather than the ‘missional’ or pioneering mission strategy setting of the Fresh Expressions diagram.

Hopefully these examples will help the congregation of St John’s recognise the presence of Church activity in unfamiliar contexts – and inspire future activity and growth!

(I’m also checking my diary, looking at the finances and getting an idea of how much it took to make each activity happen, as well as how much ‘extra worth’ was generated from the initial investment)

Types of activity

As is described elsewhere, Quartz is a partnership between St John’s and Wordsmithcrafts. Some of the following activities are beyond the scope of Quartz, others will be recognisable as ways to fulfil aspects of the Mission Action Plans made by St John’s (especially chaplaincy in schools, engaging with those on the margins, small groups, incorporating new ways to be church). Quartz itself gradually came into existence as this overlap between Wordsmithcrafts activity and St John’s was recognised, and to support those things which could be described as St John’s activity.

The first class of activity “Church Plants” is the most easily identifiable as ‘Church’. As they move to the right they become less obviously ‘Church’ to those who consider themselves to be Church. Please remember that all of these activities are interlinked as you read the descriptions. They have developed as opportunities arose, and this process of describing them is made with hindsight, with a flavouring of hope to enhance readers’ appetite for more.

Please follow the links in each section to explore the types of activities more fully

Planting and Adaptation

Activities like Interweave, All Age Worship, Second Sunday and Housegroups best fall into this category. They are all activities which draw from recognised models of Church and adapt or apply them in new contexts and ways.

Interweaves started by applying the multimedia approach to services first established by Alternative/Creative worship communities in the 1980’s and 90’s. The building of St John’s was used as a canvas within which to create an immersive experience that drew from traditional church liturgies and activities, combining them with contemporary popular culture. At each event a theme was chosen and then the team worked collaboratively to explore and express the insights gained during preparation – as well as plan activities for those who just came to participate in the event.

Read More about this type of activity

This class of activity fits less easily into the idea of “Fresh Expressions” because there was no intent as Quartz to develop another instance of church. It is perhaps better described as preparation for a “Fresh Expression” or for welcoming internal growth and training in creative spirituality.

Build as a guest

Sometimes the church is invited to contribute to the life of the community. As a guest there are responsibilities, but also there is a welcome and a recognition of worth. School chaplaincy was one of the first ways I was involved with St John’s in activities which led to the setting up of Quartz. I started by working on an art project with a school originally set up by the St John’s community along with a mission church. This developed into a programme of regular assemblies. It then broadened to include more schools, both primary and secondary and occasional nursery visits. I also contributed to RMPE classes and ongoing continual professional development after attending Council-run Curriculum for Excellence training sessions in Religious Observance/Time for reflection.

In 2017/18 I worked with a Sleeping Giants project called Hidden Histories. I was employed in my capacity as an artist, Wordsmithcrafts, but this led to opportunities to participate and involve volunteers as Quartz. Interpreting the heritage of a ruined collegiate church provided some special moments; on another occasion I was asked to tell the Easter story to an impromptu crowd of parents and their children.

Read more here …

Again, this was not a conscious “Fresh Expressions” activity, as the main objective held by St John’s was to try and attract people to its regular activities, or perhaps those newly developed as described in “Planting and Adoption”. Involvement in the community did however increase the confidence of the volunteers involved, and provide opportunities for them to discuss their faith in shared spaces. It also maintained the public profile of St John’s, and contributed to the development of “Spiritual Literacy”. I also used these opportunities to develop the material for schools into a community learning and development context.

Walk with and accompany

This area of activity is described as working with new constituencies and takes place outside of the building. It is therefore more difficult to recognise as a St John’s activity by the St John’s community. We have tried to address this issue through magazine articles, comments made from the pulpit, updates on social media and on the St John’s website, as well as all the activities described in the first two areas.

Those within the congregation who have been interested in this area of activity have attended housegroups or asked one too many questions and then found themselves in a tent at Kirkcudbright Arts and Crafts Trail, walking labyrinths and being privileged to witness people discovering their ability for #SensingSpirituality in daily life.

Find out more…

This area of activity shares a lot with “Build as a Guest“. However in this setting there is no host organisation or community. As it was beyond the scope of Quartz to establish any permanent communities (that could be fresh expressions of church), Quartz activity has been restricted to creating temporary spaces. This has resulted in longer term relationships and the development of trust with a wide range of groups. Whilst culture within Scotland has been shaped by church influence, trust can not be assumed. There are many who have had negative experiences of church and are deeply suspicious of the intent of missionaries. In particular, discussing issues of human identity and sexuality are a challenge. These are core Faith issues and failure to come to terms emotionally and rationally with changes in culture is to fail actual people, not just a theoretical exercise. I mention it in this context because the growth strategy of many churches has been to expect young people to return when they decide to marry and have children, and buildings are still sought after wedding venues even for the unchurched and de-churched.

There is a loose working title of “Outerweaves” to describe this type of activity. This short video is made to describe one of them.

This particular Outerweave was linked with an Interweave in St Johns and to work with the Hidden Histories project. It was carried out at the Nith Raid river festival which was set up as an arts project to help people reconnect with the river Nith and transform their relationship with it.

Develop community with kingdom values

Wordsmithcrafts accompanies those with passion for history and crafts. It provides access to skills and resources. It creates shared spaces for exploration, discussion and debate. I participate in festivals, support my travels by making things for the heritage sector and delivering services they value. I have invested in developing a community of voluntary enthusiasts within Dumfries and Galloway. I did this within a larger network and it is now a sustainable local group with around 30 members and a new group leader who was recruited and trained as the group grew. In addition, until lockdown Wordsmithcrafts generated general heritage activity opportunities for volunteers and freelancers, many of whom were on low incomes. It has helped young artists explore professional opportunities and discover Europe-wide possibilities.

It is right to ask what this has to do with the church. On one level it is simply my passion, and an employment opportunity just like selling shoes (session 4 talks about shoes, listen to the rest!) or coffee. On other levels it creates opportunities for shared/proximity spaces. It is a mutually agreed exchange of resources and skills to make the world better. It is like moving to another country and working, playing, living, alongside people rather than coming in with a self-sustaining, externally-funded colonial agenda. When I set out to found Wordsmithcrafts no geographical movement was required. The distance between all church cultures and those described on St John’s website as “‘not natural church-goers’” is far enough.

So when I visit schools I remain within the educational remit of helping the pupils recreate the lives of those who have contributed to the Scotland we live in now. Within this I include the story of changing beliefs, and the role of Christians, which might otherwise be forgotten. When appropriate and agreed, I have part funded my professional services with Quartz time to interpret places like Abbeys, or artifacts like the Sweetheart breviary, and to provide “Time for Reflection” activities where participants can practice #SensingSpirituality as well as using all their other senses.

Explore some examples of this here …

As I described in the introduction, the aim of St John’s was to bridge this gap and attract people into the life of the St John’s community. I have done this to the extent that St John’s has been able to adapt to welcome new growth, and by contributing to the reputation of St John’s in a similar way to the many other members who are active in the community.

The intentionally with which I choose opportunities to explore, and exchanges I make in the pursuit of business go beyond just being a Christian living within a workplace however. Wordmithcrafts has a distinctive ethos, and in a similar way to one of my immersive school experiences, those who come into the orbit of Wordsmithcrafts encounter an incarnation of the story at the core of my being.

If you explore the “walking with” section you will hopefully understand that this is accompanied by an approach that respects differences of opinion and belief, and is carried out with a care to ensure that all concerned can participate fully, with integrity. If people then ask questions about the ethos, or are attracted to the way, then further exploration is possible.

I have not however formed new worshipping communities, which would be a different “Fresh Expressions” strategy. There have been glimmers of what this could look like, and I am keen to discuss how these could be taken forward, particularly in partnership with St Johns and the wider Church in the future.

What could this look like? read more here…

I will finish with two overviews of wordsmithcrafts activity. The first is from 2007 when I opened the wordsmithcrafts workshop and was discussed with the rector at that time.

In it I attempt to separate business activity from the “pioneering ministry” aspects of what I am intending to do. Close reading will show that I do not quite manage this.

The following overview presents a sample of Wordsmithcrafts and voluntary activity, highlighting that which can be identified as supported by the Quartz partnership.

Chart describing Quartz activities

This diagram assumes a starting point of Wordsmithcrafts as a pioneer project, existing outside of traditional church activity. It then adapts spiritual practices that are discovered there to enrich church contexts. The diagram is not complete. It is hoped however, that by looking at it and the more detailed examples contained within this report, that you the reader will have a clearer understanding of what Quartz is and what I do.

2021 Review Fresh Expressions report

Establishing new worshipping communites

If St John’s were to send missionaries to New Zealand, would the congregation expect numerical growth within the DG1 building as a result? The geographical distance would be too great.

Would they expect those interested in Christianity to wear British clothes, learn to speak English and adopt the economic models and values of middle class living in the UK? Perhaps, but how would they justify this imposition of cultural expectations in the light of passages such as Galatians 3 (especially vs 28)?

Historically the congregation of St John’s has faced the challenges of cultural and geographical distance within the Dumfries area by establishing new congregations in Maxwelltown and then NW Dumfries. The challenge to go and make disciples of all nations/ethnos has been met by going out and expanding the community, rather than reeling in.

The ideas and activities represented by Quartz have been experimented with in the St John’s context for over 10 years now. This follows on from Project Welcome activity. This report identifies cultures, opportunities and areas of possible growth. It describes shared spaces that have been created within and beyond St John’s. It also explains why this growth should be outside the current building and church culture. The harvest is plentiful, but we need a different methodology. It is time to plant seeds with an expectation of them growing but a willingness to let them sprout but then sink back into the soil and enrich the bio diversity of the area, if that is God’s will.

Fresh Expressions report

Walking with …

This post is part of a series forming a review of Quartz activity. For an introduction and overview of the report start here at the “Sabbatical” post.

Pioneers venture into the edges of postmodern culture exploring spirituality alongside fellow seekers and nomads

The communities Quartz has walked closest with are the Heritage and Arts communities. Most of the Heritage activities fall into the next section, so I’m going to focus on the Arts for a while.

Outerweave is a general title to complement Interweave. The two activities used similar techniques to explore, understand and express spirituality. You can find out more on the Wordsmithcrafts website here. Or you could get a flavour by watching this video from an Outerweave at Kirkcudbright Arts and Crafts trail:

and YouthBeatz in the health and wellbeing area:

Walking with artists involves experimenting with art. A lockdown theme for my artwork has been drawn together from gazing into the river and reflecting. A range of work comes together under the term “Nith Mirror”:

This is the piece commisioned by The Stove Network :

I describe something of my motivation and process here:

And this is a day spent with Alison Fair Bixler exploring the relationship between words and peoples experience of Love on Valentine’s day in the Stove Cafe:

In these activities I walk with people who are exploring the edges of culture. They are passionate about ritual and ask big questions about the nature of the cosmos. Sometimes they do this in words, but more often it is following gut instinct and testing solutions to find out what works.

Presenting Christianity as a unique metanarrative which explains everything works for some people. They are probably already committed to a form of religious practice, or perhaps will respond well to an Alpha course. This is not an approach suited to post-modernity however, where global culture is normal and kids will live on LA time to keep up with YouTube stars if left to their own devices, as will many of their parents. They are skilled in building a raft of meaning, sometimes internally contradictory, but which floats enough to get them where they need to go. They will often be happy to add something new to improve this raft but are suspicious of the claims and demands made by institutions like the Church.

If Christianity is unique, then as long as pioneers are walking in the way of Jesus they will help people find their path over the rainbow bridge that promises to lead to one of the many dwelling places that are prepared.

There is no ready-made path in spirituality, even when we
follow masters and schools, ancient or modern, and even if we
feel ourselves clothed in the multitude of brothers and sisters
who have gone before us or come with us on our travels. There
is no ready-made path, but Jesus is the way. And he himself is
the bread and wine we need for the journey. There is no need
to wait for maps to replace our spirituality or to stop us from
creatively exploring new heights or greater depths. Walking in
him, according to his Spirit, we make a safe path by walking.

or more simply

There is no path. There is a Way. And we make the path by

– Pedro Casalddliga, Jose Maria Vigil, THE SPIRITUALITY OF LIBERATION 1992 BURNS & OATES

The first thing developed to link this type of activity to St Johns church was a set of cards we could give to people we had conversations with. These cards featured the Scottish Episcopal Church and St Johns logos. The Quartz graphics were also developed to help make connections between the diverse activities carried out, and also to link to the online social media presence. These methods are designed to work with a digitally literate community, but are less effective at connecting with the bulk of the traditional church population. When this was pointed out I developed the following graphics and started to use them more consitently within St Johns communications, on e-mail etc. as well as externally.

The cross design used as the Quartz logo was part of the first presentation made to the Vestry around 2014. The four coloured areas represent four areas of activity which the project (briefly called a colony of heaven project inspired by St Ninians legendary work with Candida Casa at Whithorn). The inner circle represents core church culture activities, and the outer areas are examples of similar activities practiced by Christians in the wider community – “walking with”. The names used for the projects will probably be unfamiliar, but the intent was to try things out and see what worked.

Here is the original drawing with its labels.

Follow this link to get back to the “Sabbatical” post.

Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day

What is creative spirituality?

Insight, relationship … balance of practical needs and the things that one struggles to express in words. The desire to leave this world having made a recognised mark?

What do you think and feel?

Arts Creative Worship Fresh Expressions Mission Thought of the Day

Creative Worship

In the 1980’s and 90’s something called “Alternative Worship” emerged. What happened, where did the explosion of creative energy lead, how many of the communities are still recognisable and what are the people who were involved doing now?

As a start, here are some links to introduce readers who may be unfamilar with the concept. These are pretty much just a scattering of what I found quickly, there is a lot more from the UK and worldwide.

“God in the House”

A 1996 TV series filmed some of these services in operation. It was in 1996, and even then the introduction made me cringe. However after a year of lockdown and two seasons with the likelyhood of no festivals the atmosphere looks particularly appealing. This was in an era of slide projectors and VHS and while the internet was running on dial up …

“God in the House” on IMDB

An episode featuring the “Late Late Service Community” in Glasgow who I worshipped with for a while until I moved East to St Andrews.

Another one of the episodes, featuring “Grace”

The Wikipedia entry

Alternative Worship

“Grace” – as it is at the moment

Their website


Small Fire

A photo image archive of Alternative Worship services – with links to the contributing groups.

Beyond Church

Based in Brighton, ten events a year, including an advent calendar in beech huts. BEYOND is an opportunity for people to explore
spirituality through a variety of creative approaches.

That is all for just now. Please use the comments to add links to any more that you know of.

2021 Review Fresh Expressions


Quartz is a partnership between Wordsmithcrafts and St John’s church. What is Wordsmithcrafts though, and why would it form a partnership with a church?

The tagline of Wordsmithcrafts is that it helps people learn about their past, so that they can understand their present, and create better futures. Over the years it has become a name that has developed various projects from “The Viking in the Basement” (of an art gallery) in Southampton to educational tours of schools in the Shetland islands.

The significance is not just what tasks are carried out by Wordsmithcrafts though. The ethos, manner, in which, these tasks are carried out is of equal importance. Wordsmithcrafts uses craft activities, storytelling, and the arts like many community centres. These activities are planned to help people imaginatively explore #sensingmeaningfullness, #SensingValues, and #SensingSpirituality as well though, to the extent they feel comfortable with.

The Wordsmithcrafts workshop, or studio, is a centre which resources community building. It is a place where people can come with ideas and leave having refined them and then drawn them out into new possibilities.

For this to work there needs to be a mutually agreed fair exchange. Like going into a shop and buying a tent. “The Arts”, and Heritage settings are particularly suitable for Wordsmithcrafts to work in, and the reason that is that this is an environment where the value of things beyond their material components or functional purpose is often explored. People come expecting to find something beautiful, creative, and that they can get involved in. Of course, it is also vitally important not to demand too much, or hide things in the small print when agreeing an exchange.

After a helping at a recent workshop, a long standing Wordsmithcrafts participant described it as Wordsmithcrafts is a practical application of “Love thy Neighbour”. This was very reassuring!

Even the Viking era activities which get the most press coverage are run in a way which provides people with a way to encounter the popularisation of Vikings and reflect more deeply on it. Hyped up screen adaptations of Viking Sagas rarely take the time to explore the nuances of the diverse cultures which sailed the seas at that time. The Wordsmithcrafts approach provides participants with opportunities to reflect on the contribution made by a wide range of cultures from this time to form the Scotland we now live in. Or, if nothing else, at least leave with a renewed understanding of the value of clean drinking water piped into your home.

There is a Fresh Expressions term “Kingdom Orientated Social Enterprise”. This can describe activities where the Gospel is embedded in the world of work, with the intention of developing a Christlike community. Whilst the term is recent the idea would be familiar to the Cistercians developing farming, watermills and textiles industries to make the wilderness habitable for humans. Perhaps it continues some of the traditions of St Ninian and St Martin in founding colonies of heaven where the arts and beauty could be accessed.

In that case Wordsmithcrafts is a continuation of Jesus sending out the disciples into towns and villages to find people of peace, meeting them where they are and accepting what is given. Providing what they need, and revealing the good news hidden like yeast in bread, or salt in food, or the ability to shape metal using wind, fire and hammers. From this community is developed in many different ways.

#SensingValues and exploring identity through designing a coat of arms

Quartz might look like the “God” bit of Wordsmithcrafts activity, or activities to interpret church life to those outside of it or on the fringe. However, on reflection, it is more the case that Quartz was formed to make the possibilities discovered through activities like Wordsmithcrafts visible and recognisable to those who find difficulty experiencing relating to God outside of their church tradition.

2021 Review Arts Creative Worship

Reflection in the Nith

Just over year ago I spent a while reflecting by the river Nith.

By the end of the year the reflection had spread onto the land.

And then into the high street.

And, of course, this involved a fair bit of experimentation in and around my workshop.

And even some board games.

2021 Review Fresh Expressions



(Click the box above to view a glideshow)

It is difficult to describe what this service looked like. It would have been unfamiliar to many, but contains very familiar themes. The slide show above is of a presentation that was projected onto a screen. Masking tape was used to trace out a diagram of senses on the floor.

Those who gathered, young and old, were seated in a circle round a central table. There is a more comprehensive “Running order” you can download. This describes who is doing what, and what equipment is needed. Perhaps this will help you understand.

You can download the resource files we used as pdf’s to help get a better idea.

creation Creative Worship Thought of the Day

Micro Management

Do you make God in your image, or allow yourself to be made in the image of God?

Mowing lawns may seem far off from the worship of idols. However, people put a lot of effort into maintaining standards. Even now many seek the return to normality and call the privileged consumption culture we live in freedom and their right.

The new normal will not be as well tended and tidy as 2019. Perhaps we can reflect on the cracks 2020 revealed. This is an opportunity to make structural changes, give up the appearances we were enslaved by, and nurture the growth of good things we have found.

The seeds of flowers lie in the meadows. They are placed their as potential waiting to be revealed. Don’t mow them before they have time to bloom. Remember how Jesus was gentle enough to let weeds grow alongside wheat and leave the sorting until another time. Be encouraged, have confidence, to live in faith and wait for the good things waiting to be revealed.

2021 Review Fresh Expressions Thought of the Day


What does pioneering look like?

Perhaps some of you are thinking about the wild west. Cutting blazes on trees to mark a path through the Appalachian forests? Or Royal Naval officers blundering foolhardy into unmapped landscapes determined to preserve their Englishness through custom and dress, even if it meant frostbite and cannibalism.

Books like Kepharts “Book of Camping and Woodcraft” (1906) are practical guides for those who read stories like “The Dog Crusoe” (same year) and have bought in to the dream of the outdoors. The pictures of shelters and tents, or sourdough recipes are over a century old now. At the same time as we are sending helicopters to survey Mars though, people are trecking over glaciers with homemade 1000 year old technology.

Pioneering isn’t just about geographical exploration though. The books of games on my shelf are practical guides which help pioneer the construction of community in the post modernity social wilderness of vanishing industry both urban and rural. Billie Smith was one of Edinburgh’s first guidance teachers. The wilderness she worked in is probably less than a mile away from you.

My bookends of “Ash and Elm” and “My Ninian” are also a life story and a practical handbook. The imaginative retelling of the story of the first named pioneer bishop in the British Isles stands at the beginning. Recent research that can provide solid building material for those who are discovering their identity in Heathen spiritual narratives stands at the other end.

If you’d like to look at a practical guide about what Quartz is, or could be, then I suggest reading this “Grove” booklet. On pioneering mission. It is, at least, an introduction – the thing about wilderness though is that you can only learn to live in it if you learn from the people for whom it is already home.

Click here to get a digital or paper copy