Arts Christmas Light

Sparkling White

Did you know that part of the inspiration behind the name “Quartz” is the shining or sparkling white of St Ninians foundation at Whithorn?

It can be argued that the whole of the British Isles gained the name “Alba” in antiquity because of the “chalky white” cliffs in the south. “Candida” Casa uses a word which can mean “sparkling white”, and the way in which Quartz crystals shimmer can be a reminder of this.

Christmas Light installed in St John’s Dumfries

The Christmas Light installation is now in place. Drop in between 10.30 and 4 to contemplate how light is received and reflected, shaped by all those who have contributed.

The deeper meaning for christians, especially at this time of the year, is for us to reflect on how we respond to the eternal light which has always surounded us. Recognising, Recieving, and then shining as Nuggets of Joy wherever we find ourselves.

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