Lent Thought of the Day

Downside Up

This is not a new post. It seemed appropriate to me this morning though, at a time where everything is tumbling, and no one is sure what will emerge.

Follow the fool, but don’t be foolish 😉

Please click the button to read the original post. You may find it a lot to take in at first. Or, perhaps you are one of those who find this easy to understand and struggle with the ‘normal’ of formal Church. Either way, seek and you will find!

One reply on “Downside Up”

An interesting view of the holiness of Jesus – reminds me of The Idiot by Dostoyevsky. Prince Mishkin was devoid of prejudice when meeting anyone – he took them all at face value, with total acceptance and belief in them as people – being so naive landed him in a lot of trouble!

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