Forest Church

Quartz Forest Church

Sunday 16th of July

We will meet outside the Crichton chapel at 2pm on the 3rd Sunday in the month as usual. This Sunday we may be dodging showers of heavy rain, so please dress for the weather!

Continuing the theme of the posts on this site, this Sunday we will spend time thinking about water. Some of the reading for the day from the Scottish Episcopal Church calendar are

Romans 8:1-11

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Some of you may be interested to think about the colour green.

Everyone is welcome to just turn up and enjoy, but if you have an experience of water that you would bring with you to share please do.

See you on Sunday!

2 replies on “Quartz Forest Church”

During the time of contemplation, I considered the fact that, in my part of the world, water is usually in abundance but I often don’t drink enough. Similarly, God is abundantly present – but I don’t acknowledge or take advantage of this enough.

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