Arts Thought of the Day

Fruit of the Spirit

While I’m working on a report about all the activity over midsummer, here is a wee glimpse of some of the other art I have been working on.

Love, Goodness, Patience, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Faithfullness, Self control, Gentleness.
Working notes!

This is a set of nine illuminations described as fruit of the Spirit. Drawing them has helped me think about the presence of God. Perhaps a little like the disciples walking down the road to Emmaus. The presence is there, and experiencing it is like tasting fresh fruit on a warm and tiring day.

Following that story though, the question I have for the Church in the cultures I live in is; does the manner in which we break bread and share wine reveal the presence of Jesus in these every day experiences?

The collection of 9 illuminations is available for download via my patreon site.

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