

Timeline showing the evolution of the churches of Scotland from 1560 (wiki)

There is a tendency for LGBT discussions to polarise people. People respond both intellectually and emotionally to these issues as well. It is a common experience to find that ones intellectual response and emotional gut response are not in harmony. Reading someone else’s thoughts can help find words to refine ones own.

The timeline on the left gives an idea of the history of diversity within church gatherings in even a small area such as Scotland. To respect the diversity of belief and opinion this post contains links to expressions of concern about the changes which have taken place as well as statements of belief which deplore and condemn them.

Some of the language might be hard reading.

2014 – Scottish evangelicals respond to Synod Marriage vote

2014 – a letter sent to all MSPs by Rev David Campbell, minister of the Edinburgh congregation of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland

A faithful warning unheeded

This section on the FAQ page on the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland website also seemed relevant.

Male/Female distinctions

2022 – Response to consultation on gender recognition reform by the Free Church of Scotland

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