Forest Church

Forest Church 17 July

– He Restores My Soul

Meeting in Christ’s name and sharing the peace

We meet in Christs name – whether you consider yourself close friends, or are just curious, all are welcome – we share his peace.


– Psalm 23: 1-4 – The Lord is my Shepherd


  • Finding water in the Japanese Garden at the Crichton
  • Framing the landscape through a simple frame
  • –4 different viewpoints for meditation- water, valley, green pastures, paths of righteousness
  • Worshipping with our own angle through the frame


– Psalm 23: 5-6 – You prepare a table

Benediction and sharing of food together in the presence of friends

(Please bring food to share!)

3 replies on “Forest Church 17 July”

If you are singing this at the Forest Church tomorrow, sing “Though I walk…. Not “Although,” which won’t fit the tune.

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