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Quartz uses the arts to help build a language all people can use to explore and express their personal spiritual understanding in the the public life of contemporary Scotland. We are working both within the St John’s community, and the wider community of Dumfries (and online), to build skills in #SensingSpirituality.
The Blog! Find out what’s on (For posts after Jan 2024 visit
This is a sample of recent posts – click for more. Comment to contribute.
- HolinessIs holiness the preserve of white gowned angels singing a perfected concert of praise? Or is that just an artists inpression intended to inspire you to seek out a very ordinary existence, but where things taste right and people are gentle with each other. Please leave this field emptyKEEP IN TOUCH! The weeks news and … Read more
- Brother Sun Sister MoonA story of St Francis Have you seen this film? I was introduced to it recently and thought it was beautiful in so many ways. It is an artists impression of a life rather than a historians, but for more information about his life you could start here:
- Pancake party!Mostly a chance to get together, but there will also be ways to artisticly respond to the season. Please contact us if you need directions.
- Forest Church SpecialFebruary Stargazing We will gather as usual at 2pm on Sunday the 18th of February outside the Crichton Chapel to practice #SensingSpirituality We will also have a spring special. Before the clocks change we will have an evening looking at the stars. Thanks to the hospitality of Ann Shuckman we will hold this at Elsieshields … Read more
For those that want to get deeper – it is also an invitation to explore the diversity of Christian traditions and contemporary practice using contemporary artistic creativity.
Please explore this site to find out more, comment, and get in touch. Join with us in sharing our thoughts and the ways in which we encounter God in everyday life.
More about Quartz…
Quartz is on a perpetual pilgrimage – looking for the face of God in friend and stranger. Receiving what is offered and giving when asked. Some activities take place within the St Johns building, others are located in community settings, or the Wordsmithcrafts Studio.
Follow the story of what is going on at the blog page
Please explore, comment, and get in touch. Join with us in sharing our thoughts and the ways in which we encounter God in everyday life.
Look up Quartz activities on these other platforms.
An ongoing theme, linking church life with time for reflection in schools and spiritual seekers everywhere.

Keep in touch!